Large plate of sliced chorizo with some onions, greens and a knife blurred in the background
Chorizo Ibèrico de Bellota - red stick of salami in retail packaging
spicy salami slices stacked ontop of each other, on a plate

Chorizo Ibèrico de Bellota

Regular price $9.00
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Meaty and unctuous, this dry-cured sausage is flavored with paprika to give it a bit of a kick. Coarsely chopped Ibérico pork meat is mixed with pork fat to create a sausage superb for tapas or cooking. All Dehesa Cordobesa® products are “de Bellota 100% Ibérico,” meaning they come from 100% purebred, acorn-fed Ibérico pigs. This is the highest possible classification of Ibérico meat, and is quite rare. For this Chorizo, the pigs spend their last 3-4 months eating acorns until they reach the correct weight for slaughter. They roam freely within the nearly 1 million acres of dehesa (oak forest) in the Valle de los Pedroches in Córdoba. This dehesa is notable for its Encina Oak trees, which produce acorns considered to be the sweetest in Spain, giving the meat its unparalleled sweet and savory flavor.
